فلفل حلو
فلفل حلو
also known as capsicum, they are full of nutrients that help our blood circulation and vitamin c making them a fantastic addition to your salad!
comes in a pot size 16cm
comes in a pot size 16cm
رمز المنتج (SKU) peppers
- ضوء شمس مباشر
- متوسط
- n\a
التربة | تربة رملية | |
الإسم العلمي | Capsicum Annuum L. |

صبار حي علم
The small, heart-shaped leaves of baby sun rose contrast with its magenta-red, daisy-like flowers. This tender, succulent, creeping evergreen perennial has heart-shaped, bright green leaves which covered in very tiny hairs.

من ٩٥.٠٠ج.م
Arabian jasmine is a bushy vine with shiny dark green leaves and fragrant little white flowers. The waxy snow white flowers are intensely fragrant. The fruits are small black berries.
من ٩٥.٠٠ج.م
من ٩٥.٠٠ج.م

من ٣٢٥.٠٠ج.م
This plant has clusters of small slender canes, and graceful fans with a rich green color.
من ٣٢٥.٠٠ج.م
من ٣٢٥.٠٠ج.م

بانساتيام أحمر
Purple fountain grass is an attractive warm-season perennial or tender perennial that makes a great addition to sunny borders. Early in the season it forms graceful, upright to arching clumps of slender purple-red and green blades. From midsummer to fall, it produces many long, drooping plumes of soft rose-pink flowers.

من ٩٠.٠٠ج.م
كاريسا ماكروكاربا
An evergreen shrub it has a green foliage, the leaves are thick and glossy, and the plant has Y-shaped spines on the branches. The plant has also nice white flowers that have a nice fragrance especially at night.
من ٩٠.٠٠ج.م
من ٩٠.٠٠ج.م

من ١١٠.٠٠ج.م
True aloe is an outstanding ornamental succulent that is cultivated outdoors, and indoors as a potted plant for sunny exposures. This clump forming succulent plant produces rigid upright rosettes of light green, thick, lance-like leaves edged with tiny yellow teeth.
من ١١٠.٠٠ج.م
من ١١٠.٠٠ج.م