من ١٠٥.٠٠ج.م
leaves of the dragon tree are long, linear, narrow and attached to the stem without a stalk. they are 61cm long and 1.5cm wide. they are deep, glossy green with red edges along the margins. flowers are fragrant, small, produced on stalks at the ends of the stems and followed by yellow-orange berries.
رمز المنتج (SKU) dragon-tree
- ضوء شمس مباشر
- منخفض
- ري متوسط
التربة | تربة مخلطة | |
الإسم العلمي | Dracaena Marginata | |
دورة النمو | دائم الخضرة | |
النوع | شجيرات | |
لون الزهر | أحمر | |
رائحة الزهر | غير معطر | |
سرعة النمو | سريع | |
الموطن | أفريقيا الاستوائية ، أمريكا الشمالية |

من ٦٠.٠٠ج.م
Pelargonium are usually frangrant, and have showy flowers and folliage. That's why they are highly used in containers and bedding.
من ٦٠.٠٠ج.م
من ٦٠.٠٠ج.م

من ١,٤٠٠.٠٠ج.م
كاسيا نودوزا
The apple blossom cassia is an amazing tree covered with variably pink flowers. The trunk's bark is smooth and gray. The foliage flops and dangles in the breeze, making the appleblossom cassia look frothy and elegant.
من ١,٤٠٠.٠٠ج.م
من ١,٤٠٠.٠٠ج.م

A tall palm with bold fan-shaped leaves and a straight solitary trunk. The large, glossy green, evergreen fronds are divided into up to 70 long, dangling, lance-shaped segments, that radiate like the spokes of an umbrella. Thirty-five to sixty fronds are borne atop the trunk on long ascending, horizontal, or drooping stalks (""petioles""), forming a dense, spherical crown.

من ١١٠.٠٠ج.م
The plant has thick, three-sided stalks with spines along its edges. Cactus-like branches, or arms, that grow upright from the sides of the stalks. Small leaves cover the edges and ends of the actively growing stalks and arms. It is a lush green plant with lighter green striations through the stalks
من ١١٠.٠٠ج.م
من ١١٠.٠٠ج.م

من ٩٥.٠٠ج.م
This plant has large, yellow, waxy, multi-petaled flowers. Small bulbous pulpy fruits follow, ripening red. Its fuzzy pads and relatively compact growth make bunny ears pricklypear a popular potted specimen both indoors and out. It also is an excellent garden plant where hardy.
من ٩٥.٠٠ج.م
من ٩٥.٠٠ج.م

من ٤٤٠.٠٠ج.م
This sacred tree is considered the most important tree at all for producing honey. This honey has several merits and fragrant smell. This tree is planted for garnish, shade and its sweet fruits.
من ٤٤٠.٠٠ج.م
من ٤٤٠.٠٠ج.م