ياسمين هندي

From 600.00EGP

the branches and stems of plumeria alba are thick and fleshy. it has a vase shape. the deciduous leaves are elliptical to lance-shaped, leathery, margins rolled under and arranged spirally around the stems at the ends of the branches. the large, white, fragrant flowers with yellow eyes are funnel-shaped ending in large, petal-like lobes which usually overlap to the left. the fruit is a two-part follicle with winged seeds inside.

رمز المنتج (SKU) white-frangipani-indian-jasmine
  • ضوء شمس مباشر
  • عالي
  • ري متوسط

التربةتربة طميية
الإسم العلميبلوميريا البا
دورة النمومتهاوي الاوراق
لون الزهرأبيض, أحمر
رائحة الزهرمعطر
سرعة النمومتوسط
الموطنغرب الهند

Pot Selector