House Plant


Showing 25–41 of 41 products.

25-41 of 41 products

  • Ivy full
    Ivy close up

    English Ivy

    The english ivy plant has glossy, dark green leaves. Vigorous and easy to grow, English ivy can tolerate full sun to shade, though partial shade is recommended in hot climates, and prefers fertile soil with good drainage. It's one of the plants which are playing a great role in air purifying.
  • EGP950.00

    Dwarf Date Palm

    It has a stately main trunk with graceful, green fans that droop elegantly. Fronds reach 90cm and grow horizontally. It also plays a great role in purifying the surrounded air from toxins.
  • Dragon tree front
    Dragon tree detail
    From EGP105.00

    Dragon Tree

    leaves of the dragon tree are long, linear, narrow and attached to the stem without a stalk. They are 61cm long and 1.5cm wide. They are deep, glossy green with red edges along the margins. Flowers are fragrant, small, produced on stalks at the ends of the stems and followed by yellow-orange berries.
    From EGP105.00
    From EGP105.00
  • From EGP45.00

    Desert Cabbage

    The layered pancake-shaped leaves of this stunning graphic succulent have made it one of the most coveted choices for container gardens indoors and out. Its impressive fleshy foliage is soft blue-green in color with irregular edges of orange-purple-red.
    From EGP45.00
    From EGP45.00
  • From EGP1,390.00

    Cycad Palm

    Queen Sago is a slow growing cycad. It's an evergreen palm, and can attain up to 6meters in height. It's a diecious plant that grows orange cones containing seeds, and precising if it's a male or female tree since the female tree does not grow cones.
    From EGP1,390.00
    From EGP1,390.00
  • From EGP195.00


    The new leaves of the croton plant are green and change color as they mature. Mature leaves have splotches, marginal coloring and veins that often show contrasting colors. The variegated croton is primarily grown for it's attractive foliage. Also it acts as a good air purifying plant.
    From EGP195.00
    From EGP195.00
  • EGP350.00


    This plant produces numerous narrow diameter columnar branches bearing 5 to 30 low ribs. They bearing dense spines and hairs which may help to protect both from high UV light and insulation from cold. Branches most often stem from the base of the plant producing a sizable clumps at maturity.
  • Chinese evergreen front
    Chinese evergreen detail
    From EGP220.00

    Chinese Evergreen

    The Silver Queen has attractive, 15-30cm, gray-green, lance-shaped leaves marked with silver. It's a very popular houseplant and garden plant for warm shade gardens. It also acts as an excellent air purifier.
    From EGP220.00
    From EGP220.00
  • From EGP60.00

    Miniature Blue Chalksticks

    This plant is a short creeper that sends out traveling stems topped with upstanding blunt tipped leaves. They are sky blue but take on showy purple tints in extreme heat and sunlight They root as they travel, creating sizable masses of color. They are not very showy and may be cut off to preserve the beauty of the foliage.
    From EGP60.00
    From EGP60.00
  • From EGP46.00


    The plant produces rosettes of fleshy, oval to lance-shaped, green or gray-green leaves that often have red spots, margins, or suffusion. Sparsely branched stems crowded with four-ranked leaves emerge from the rosettes in spring or early summer. The stems may be upright or prostrate, and the leaves hairy or smooth.
    From EGP46.00
    From EGP46.00
  • From EGP220.00


    Bougainvillea is an evergreen shrubby vine with spiny branches. The flowers are small and colorful and found in the center of 3 white bracts.
    From EGP220.00
    From EGP220.00
  • From EGP325.00

    Bamboo Palm

    This plant has clusters of small slender canes, and graceful fans with a rich green color.
    From EGP325.00
    From EGP325.00
  • EGP60.00

    Baby Sunrose

    The small, heart-shaped leaves of baby sun rose contrast with its magenta-red, daisy-like flowers. This tender, succulent, creeping evergreen perennial has heart-shaped, bright green leaves which covered in very tiny hairs.
  • From EGP220.00

    Areca Palm

    This plant has beautiful clusters of erect, slender, cane-like stalks with feathery, yellow-green fronds.
    From EGP220.00
    From EGP220.00
  • From EGP95.00

    Arabian Jasmine

    Arabian jasmine is a bushy vine with shiny dark green leaves and fragrant little white flowers. The waxy snow white flowers are intensely fragrant. The fruits are small black berries.
    From EGP95.00
    From EGP95.00
  • EGP450.00


    With their beautiful waxy red flowers, anthuriums are not just a pretty plant but they are one of the best air purifiers.  
  • From EGP110.00

    Aloe Vera

    True aloe is an outstanding ornamental succulent that is cultivated outdoors, and indoors as a potted plant for sunny exposures. This clump forming succulent plant produces rigid upright rosettes of light green, thick, lance-like leaves edged with tiny yellow teeth.
    From EGP110.00
    From EGP110.00